Saturday, December 22, 2012


Y'know? There are several ways to air out your little stinker! But this way is NOT reccommended!...

Wednesday, December 19, 2012


I don't condone the harming of animals in any way but isn't this taking preventive vigilance one step too far?!...

Saturday, December 15, 2012


OK, I know this was really wrong but you gotta admit...some juvenile delinquents can actually be pretty resourceful!...

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Saturday, December 8, 2012


In this Edition, it seems that someone has taken living by the motto "Born Free" a couple of steps too far!...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Ever had one of those "Someone's been sleeping in my bed!" moments?....Well, it happened to someone in Akron, Ohio as we find out in this 3rd Edition of Police-Toons! ( Awkwaaard! )... 

Saturday, December 1, 2012


Well, where would Police Humor be without at least one mention of donuts?! In this second edition of Police Toons we address this stereotypical theme inspired by a true police call!
SPECIAL NOTE TO OFFICERS!...I am a freelance cartoonist and this morning I was speaking with a new client who happens to be a Boston police officer. He called me to design a logo for his BBQ team. Afterwards, I sent him the link to and asked if there was any way he could bring this feature to the notice of his fellow officers. He told me that on Monday when he goes to work that, while at the station, he will indeed send an email to all the members on his force. In the beginning stages of this feature, as I am trying to garner subscribers, I thought, "Wow! That's great!" If any other officers out there are able to do the same it would be highly appreciated! I love doing these, I am super-inspired & I feel confident that most officers ( with a sense of humor! ) will look forward to seeing more! With your collaboration we can continue in sharing in the fun for a long time! Thank you in advance for any way you can help! Cartoonist Rick Enright

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Hi! Welcome to Police Toons! Hilarious Cartoon Parodies on True Police Calls! Created by Freelance Cartoonist, Rick Enright. At this time, Police Toons will be published twice a week ( Wednesdays & Saturdays). Humans are imperfect & therefore there seems to be an endless amount of crimes commited by such that often end up in hilarious results. The true crimes, in and of themselves are funny enough but often after reading them a satirical thought comes to mind which I think would make a great cartoon thus making the incident in question doubly funny! That is the inspiration for this cartoon feature! 'Nuff said for now, here is the first installment of Police-Toons & I do hope you will subscribe so that I can share with you many more cartoons to come!...Enjoy! ( Brought to you by )